Complaints Policy - Solidgate

Complaints Policy

Last updated:

Solid Processing Ltd (Solidgate) is a registered company in the Republic of Cyprus (HE429757) and is an authorized Electronic Money Institution by the Central Bank of Cyprus with license number

This Complaints policy is applicable to all services provided by Solidgate and it is an integral part of the Terms and Conditions. Solidgate is striving to manage all complaints in a timely, fair and transparent manner.

1. Definition

Complaint it is an expression of dissatisfaction about an act, decision, omission or a service provided by Solidgate. A dissatisfaction may arise from the actions of a member of staff or the delivery of the services through our systems or processes.

    2. Purpose

    The aim of this policy is to provide a process for managing complaints in a timely, systematic and transparent way using a specified timeframe in a way to refine and improve the quality of services provided to our customers. Information related to any complaint will be treated as strictly confidential.

    3. How to make a complaint

    You can submit a complaint by email, letter using the contact details below. We prefer complaints to be made in writing to ensure that the issues are clearly described. All complaints are first received by our Customer Support Team and depending on the subject they may be passed on the corresponding department to provide their response.

    Contact Details:


    Address: Customer Support

    1 Diogenous, Block A, Floor 2

    Office 19, 2404 Nicosia Cyprus

    4. Complaint Requirements

    For properly handling a complaint, it is required to be provide the following information:

    (a) The account number maintained with Solidgate

    (b) The name of the Business entity and your authorized representatives first and last name.

    (c) A clear description of the circumstances of the complaint.

    (d) What is expected from Solidgate to perform

    (e) Any evidence available or relevant documents you may have

    (f) How do you want Solidgate to contact you

    5. Acknowledgement of the Complaint

    Once the complaint is submitted an acknowledgement receipt will be sent within 5 business days from the Customer Support Team.

    6. Complaints Handling

    During the examination of the complaint, we may require contacting you for any additional information or clarifications.

    We try to resolve complaints as soon as possible but not later than 5 business days. In case a complaint may be not possible to be resolved within 5 business days we will send you a holding response, explaining the cause of the additional time needed and when you should expect to receive the final response. In any case the final response should not take more than 10 business days from the receipt of your complaint.

    7. Additional Channels

    In case you are dissatisfied with our final response, you may be able to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Office in the Republic of Cyprus or through an Alternative Dispute Resolution channel or the Central Bank of Cyprus.

    8. Financial Ombudsman

    The Financial Ombudsman Office handles complaints from consumers against financial companies in accordance with the provisions of the Law relating to “the establishment and operation of a single agency for the out of court settlement of disputes of financial nature of 2010”, with the aim of settling disputes that may arise between consumers and financial companies against financial companies.

    Financial Ombudsman

    Address: 15 Kypranoros, 1061 Nicosia Cyprus

    Tel.: 22848900

    Fax: 22660584



    9. Alternative Dispute Resolution

    Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) means settling a complaint out of court with the assistance of an impartial dispute resolution body.

    Cyprus Accredited ADR Bodies

    Cyprus Center for Alternative Dispute Resolutions Address: 16 Kyriakou Matsi, eagle House 8th Floor, 1082 Nicosia Cyprus

    Tel.: +357 22519741

    Fax: + 357 22318214



    10. Central Bank of Cyprus

    Address: 80 Kennedy Avenue 1076 Nicosia Cyprus

    Tel.: +357 22714000

    Fax: +357 22714959


    If you have a question

    The Customer Support Team is available 24/7 for any questions you may have. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.