Product Update – Transparent Payment Scenarios

Product Update – Transparent Payment Scenarios

solidgate release notes july 2023

Welcome to our new product update. This time, we’re introducing increased integration transparency and Subscription Pause in the HUB, Product and Price API, unique identifiers for payment cards, failed payment scenarios simulation, and more payment variations from Brazil.

New Features

Integration transparency in Solidgate HUB

We understand that updating the Payment Form error-free may be challenging. Now, you can view all initialization and update requests in the HUB, providing you with instant status insight. This update ensures you can check requests and avoid errors for an enjoyable payment experience.

initialization and update requests in solidgate hub

Product & Price API for Subscriptions

In case you missed our previous update, the enhanced Product and Price functionality allows you to create and manage subscription products and prices effortlessly. This upgrade empowers you to offer your products with more customization options like multiple currencies, flexible trials and billing periods, as well as dynamic pricing. Learn more in the documentation.

Safer payments with a unique card identifier

To further enhance your anti-fraud protection mechanisms, we’ve added the unique identifier of the user’s bank card (card_id) to payment request responses. This enhancement allows you to uniquely associate users with the cards they use across various transaction types. Learn more in our API reference.

The card_id parameter has been added to payment request responses to: 

  • transaction:card object
  • payment_source:card object

Expanded sandbox scenarios

We’ve expanded the Failed payment scenarios list for testing integration with Solidgate.

If your business operates with a 2-step payment flow (where you first hold funds on the user’s card and then debit funds from it), you can use our test card data to simulate recurring-auth transaction types and get failed payment results. This feature empowers you to automate more payment scenarios, gain better control over your business flows with payments, and identify areas for improvement.

If you plan to switch your business from a 1-step to a 2-step payment flow, you can also utilize test card data to simulate different scenarios, including the recurring-auth transaction type with a failed result. This allows you to test and optimize your payment processes before implementing them in a live environment.


Subscription Pause in the HUB

Last month, we introduced you to the new Subscription Pause feature, allowing your customers to suspend their subscription instead of canceling it. This option is now available not only through our API but also via HUB, our powerful web interface. Learn more about this feature in our payment guide.

Update to brasil_cpf field format

To facilitate more payments from Brazil and support your business in reaching a broader audience, we’ve expanded the list of possible values for the field.

The CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas) number is attributed to taxpayers by the Federal Revenue of Brazil. The number consists of an 11-digit format: 000.000.000-00, where the last two digits are check digits generated through an arithmetic operation on the first nine digits.

From now on, Solidgate accepts both number variations, allowing you to use either the hyphenated format (e.g., 450.539.758-09) or the numerical-only format (e.g., 45053975809) when processing payments. This flexibility makes conducting transactions, complying with local regulations, and serving your Brazilian customers easier.

Thank you for being a part of our journey in delivering top-notch payment solutions. If you have any feedback, suggestions, or inquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact our team.

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